A list containing all built-in valence word lists, as data.tables with three columns: a x column with the words, a y column with the values associated to each word, and a t column with the type of valence shifter (1 = negators, 2 = amplifiers, 3 = deamplifiers, 4 = adversative conjunctions). The list element names indicate the language (based on the two-letter ISO code convention as in stopwords) of the valence word list. All non-English word lists are translated via Microsoft Translator through Microsoft Word. Only the entries whose translation differs from the original entry are kept. All words are unigrams and in lowercase. The built-in valence word lists are available in following languages:

  • English ("en")

  • French ("fr")

  • Dutch ("nl")



A list with all built-in valence word lists, appropriately named.


hash_valence_shifters (English valence shifters). Retrieved August 24, 2018.


data("list_valence_shifters", package = "sentometrics") list_valence_shifters["en"]
#> $en #> x y t #> 1: absolutely 1.8 2 #> 2: acute 1.8 2 #> 3: acutely 1.8 2 #> 4: ain't -1.0 1 #> 5: aint -1.0 1 #> --- #> 127: whereas -1.0 4 #> 128: won't -1.0 1 #> 129: wont -1.0 1 #> 130: wouldn't -1.0 1 #> 131: wouldnt -1.0 1 #>